Professional Service & Consultations
Member, Academic Advisory Board, Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, October 2013 – present.
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2012 – present.
Active on social media: LinkedIn® Group, “Board Advisors,” has 30,000+ members; academic blog,; and Twitter (@drrleblanc).
Special Issue Co-Editor, Enhancing the Effectiveness of the 21st Century Board of Directors, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, forthcoming 2012 – 2013. Please click here.
Columnist & Blogger, Canadian Business, 2011 – 2014; and Huffington Post Canada, 2012 – 2014.
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 2011 – present.
Instructor & advisor, Canadian Board Diversity Council, 2010 – present.
Contributor, “Governance Trends Around the World,” Director Journal, Institute of Corporate Directors, 2009 – 2013.
Member, Executive Editorial Board, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 2008 – present.
Regular community outreach (workshops and speaking) to academic, accounting, compensation, consulting, corporate secretarial, director, diversity, governmental, internal audit, legal and risk management associations, 2001 – present.
Past/current member of: Academy of Management (AoM), American Bar Association (ABA) (Corporate Governance subgroup), Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CAMC), Canadian Bar Association (CBA), Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Institute of Company Directors (ICD), International Association of Business and Society (IABS), International Bar Association (IBA), National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and York University Faculty Association (YUFA).
Activities include advising (CAMC, CBDC (Canadian Board Diversity Council), FGS); collective bargaining (YUFA); editing (OHA, Conference Board of Canada); marking (CAMC); teaching/speaking (AoM, AICD, CBA, CBDC, CICA (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants), CAMC, IABS, IIA, ICD, OHA (Ontario Hospital Association), NZ IoD (New Zealand Institute of Directors)); and writing (ICD, Conference Board US).
Expert witness work, governance best practices includes Research in Motion (maker of Blackberry®), Biovail, Nortel; work cited in judicial decisions.
Regular external professional consultations to domestic and international boards (ASX, LSE, Nasdaq, NYSE, LSE, TSX), including boards of directors who have received national awards and peer recognition for their governance standards and practices, 2004 – present.
Consulted by government regulators, sector associations and institutional shareholders in respect of governance guidelines, policies, assessment, etc., applicable to Canadian companies, e.g., the Canadian Public Accountability Board, Financial Services Commission of Ontario, Industry Canada, Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Ontario Securities Commission, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, Toronto Stock Exchange, and other various departments and associations, 2003 – present.
Instructor & advisor, Professional Standards in the Management Consulting Profession course, Canadian Association of Management Consultants, 2000 – present.
Research workshops/public lectures: University of Texas at Dallas (2011); York University (2011, 2006), Henley Management College, UK (2005, 2003, 2000); New Zealand Institute of Directors (2006); Australian Institute of Company Directors (2005, 2004); Russian Corporate Governance Program (2001).
Advised, drafted and trained on report reviewing the self-assessment of the governance of government-owned corporations for a government shareholder, 10 September 2007 – 5 October 2009.
Advised and trained on publication “Corporate Governance Recommendations for Listed Companies on The Barbados Stock Exchange Inc.,” 2006 – 2008.
Advised on publication “Governance and Disclosure Guidelines for Governing Boards of British Columbia Public Sector Organizations,” Board Resourcing and Development Office, Office of the Premier, January 15, 2005.
Advised on publication “Guide to Good Governance,” Governance Centre of Excellence, Ontario Hospital Association, 2005.
Advised on publication “Privacy and Boards of Directors: What You Don’t KnowCan Hurt You,” Information and Privacy Commissioner / Ontario, November 2003.
Advised on training package “Boards of Directors,” drafted for the federal government (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions); and teaching / training in Ottawa and Toronto, September 27 and November 18, 2003; January 18, 2002; and October 4 and 9, 2001.
“Getting Inside the Black Box: Problems in Corporate Governance Research,” an Appendix submitted to the Joint Committee (TSE, CDNX, CICA) on Corporate Governance, January 2001.
“Conflicts of Interest, Compliance and Governance in Financial Services: A Report to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario,” 15 December 2000.
Advised on “Addition of a New Subsection to the CBCA’s Section 122,” a submission to Industry Canada, by Laurence Hebb / Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy, to enable consideration of the interests of non-shareholder stakeholders during corporate decision-making, July 1998.
Advised on publication “ROB250 Top Quartile Leaders Methdology,” by Canadian Board Diversity Council, 2011. Please see report.
Advised on publication “Good Governance Scorecards for Crown Corporations,” by Michael Bassett, The Conference Board of Canada, 2011.
Review and introductory editorial suggestions for: “2010 Guide to Good Governance,” Ontario Hospital Association, September – October 2010.
A Critique of “Corporate Governance Guideline” (2003), and “Board of Director’s Assessment Criteria” (2002), Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada, 30 June 2010.
Review and introductory editorial suggestions for: “Ontario Hospital Association – Governance Centre of Excellence, 2010 Governance Survey,” Ontario Hospital Association, February 2010.
Review and introductory editorial suggestions for: “Framework for Board Oversight of Enterprise Risk,” Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, December 2009.
Reviewer for two articles submitted for publication to Asia Pacific Journal of Management, June 18 and September 22, 2000, and one article for theInternational Journal for Disclosure and Governance, August 7, 2009.
Member of the Canadian Association of Management Consultants; European Corporate Governance Institute; National Association of Corporate Directors (Washington); Law Society of Upper Canada (Toronto); and The Law Society (London).